

March 6

Special Pinelands Plant Course – Advanced

Each participant will study a site at the Franklin Parker Preserve . The objective of the course is for each student to create a comprehensive, specimen-based list of every vascular plant species present on their site. The course is geared for professionals and advanced amateurs.
April 25

Special Pinelands Plant Course – Fundamentals

This year, we'll focus on the natural relationships and modern classification of plants, using the Pine Barrens of New Jersey as our outdoor classroom.
May 19

Cadwalader Park Bird Walk

Join birding expert Jason Hall of In Color Birding on our 3rd annual bird walk in Trenton's crown jewel - Cadwalader Park! We will learn to identify birds by both sight and sound, and expect to see beautiful spring migrants and residents.
May 8

Spring Bird Walk – Forest Interior

Spring migration continues as we venture into the forest to search for migrants and breeding birds. We’ll hope to see Scarlet Tanagers, Ovenbirds, Woodpeckers, and other species that prefer the taller trees and denser vegetation of mature woodland.
May 15

Spring Bird Walk – Birding by Ear

As more and more leaves cover the trees and understory of the forest, it becomes increasingly difficult to see birds and other wildlife – but there are other ways to appreciate the biodiversity of The Garden State!
May 4

Liberty State Park “Big Day” of Birding!

Join NJ Conservation, Feminist Bird Club of Jersey City, and Liberty State Park for a "Big Day" of birding! We will attempt to identify as many species of birds as we can while having an absolute blast along the way!

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